| Tagung: Between Revolution and Restoration: Fichte and the Romantic Reception of his Philosophy, Valdivia (Chile).
Webseite der Internationalen Johann Gottlieb Fichte-Gesellschaft e.V.
Fichte, Philosophie, philosophy, Idealismus, Kant, Herbart, Transzendentalphilosophie, Klassische Deutsche Philosophie, Jena, Transcendental Philosophy, Hegel, Ich
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Tagung: Between Revolution and Restoration: Fichte and the Romantic Reception of his Philosophy, Valdivia (Chile).

Termin: 13. November 2013 bis 15. November 2013
Ort: Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia (Chile) 


Organised by

The Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the Universidad Austral de Chile &
The Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Fichte (ALEF)


With the institutional support of
The International J. G. Fichte Society


Languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English.